Wednesday, July 02, 2008

StumbleTube July 2nd

i know i'm posting too many of these to keep up. i assure you it will slow down after my initial addiction subsides. But, when you stumble for four hours, how can you narrow it down to one video? :)

Note on this video: i like the juxtapositions presented throughout, but i very much dislike the propaganda ending. i think it's worth posting here for the contradictions exposed in the middle content, not the contrived ending (what do you expect though, it's Robert Greenwald).

i can't tell you how happy this video makes me...

and dig on some soul while you're here...

1 comment:

h2oetry said...

Wow. Superstition is one of my favorite songs... I remember watching Stevie perform it on a rerun on I think Sesame Street when I was young... Good times.