Friday, February 08, 2008

More evidence of a strange phenomenon in Utah?

With Mitt Romney out of the presidential race, who might the Mormon faithful back?

Of course, the Church is officially neutral on political candidates and parties (thank goodness). But let's be honest, Romney's failed attempt at the presidency has got to upset a lot of Latter-day Saints, who overwhelming backed Romney (at least in Utah), and who seem to not be very fond of John McCain or Mike Huckabee, not to mention Hillary Clinton.

But Latter-day Saints I have talked to have a fairly favorable view of another presidential candidate: Barack Obama.


1 comment:

will said...

If Mormonism could be surgically detached from Republicanism it would do the world a lot of good. I was scared to death of a Romney presidency: I thought it might inseparably fuse the cause of Zion and the GOP forever.